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Italian Trade AgencyItalian Trade Agency


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Calzaturificio Heros srl

Our story begins many years ago in the Marche region, in the Fermo area of ​​Macerata, a center of excellence in the implementation of all phases of footwear production. It happened in a small artisan workshop for the creation and sale of classic men's shoes for the Italian market which, at the...

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VIA DELLA PAGLIA footwear focuses on attention to product, strong personality and the highest quality. They are the protagonists of the wardrobe, those unique and timeless pieces that you cannot do without. A proposal dedicated to the dynamic woman, who does not follow fashion but builds it, every...

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Calzaturificio Prativerdi

Calzaturificio Prativerdi is a company specialized in the production of women's leather sneakers and sandals. Our passion for fashion and attention to detail have allowed us to create high quality products that meet the needs of modern women and attentive to the world of fashion with style and...

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Caseificio Garau

Maestri casari da quattro generazioni, una lunga storia di formaggi sardi. Dal 1880 il Caseificio Antonio Garau, il più antico in attività in Sardegna, produce con dedizione e passione i formaggi sardi, ricercando da sempre il gusto e la qualità superiore. Una vera e propria missione quella per...

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Caseificio Ghidetti S.R.L.

Caseificio Ghidetti is our family dairy since 1937, located in Isola Rizza, Verona. We are proud manufacturers of PDO cheeses like Grana Padano, Parmigiano Reggiano, Provolone Valpadana, and also spun paste & fresh cheeses like provola, mozzarella fiordilatte, ricotta and much more. Our cheeses...

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Caseificio Preziosa S.r.l

The Preziosa Caseificio, known by the brand "Mozzarella di Seriate", was founded on 12 September 1950 by its founder, Mr. Teodosio Preziosa, as an artisan laboratory for the production of mozzarella and dairy products in general. Today, almost seventy years later, it is a modern food...

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Cen.tra.l. S.r.l.

Formaggi ovini e caprini di alta qualità, frutto di una lunga storia artigianale e di una produzione tecnologicamente all’avanguardia. Tradizione, ricerca e innovazione sono alla base del successo Central, oggi fra le realtà leader in Italia nel settore lattiero-caseario. La sua gamma di...

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Consorzio is a network of Italian food producers. Our goal is to spread Italian quality around the world, and over the years we have reached 43 countries. Our main product is cheese and Italian food specialties.

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Cooperativa ASCA

The Coop Asca offers many services, ranging from the educational farm, excursions with the flock, transhumance, own production of cheeses, refreshment point, agritourism to more agricultural activities such as breeding, pastoralism and cultivation of fodder for livestock.

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D.A.T.E. srl

Passion, authenticity and friendship. Sneakers that we consider to be more than a product, but instead memories, inspiration and dreams. Since 2006, D.A.T.E. is not just the acronym of the four founders, but a project that embodies the desire to create an ever-growing contemporary product. This...

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Diano Casearia S.p.A.

From a small family-run dairy to a renowned company in southern Italy with 80 years of experience serving quality. Dairy production is a process that starts from afar and has its roots in an ancient and ancestral dimension. Being a cheesemaker is not a simple job but rather a true passion, an art...

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Fastema S.r.l.

The Bruè company was founded in 1946 in Fermo, in the Marche region of Italy, by master shoemaker Mariano Bruè, who, thanks to his knowledge in shoe craftsmanship, started his business. With the arrival of brothers Aldo and Mario, the company grew strongly and, with the joining of two more...

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La linea di prodotti I Sempre Ghiotti nasce grazie all’iniziativa di un gruppo di giovani imprenditori con l’obiettivo comune di creare un’azienda moderna e dinamica nel settore catering e ristorazione. Regalare un’esperienza unica attraverso il frozen food è la nostra sfida quotidiana....

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La Belle

The LaboratoryWe artisans like to call it a factory and not a company, also because there is very little company in the MPM shoe factory. There are 8 operators who work on the tiny assembly line in Via Caprera, 17; To them we must add Vincenzo and Moreno who are the true creators of the shoes. The...

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La Cava S.r.l.

Etna, where everything originates: it is here that our dairy has existed for 50 years, in this very rich and fertile territory, in the center of 3 protected parks - the Etna Park, the Nebrodi Park and the Alcantara River Park. Alongside the founder, Carmelo La Cava, his children coordinate the work...

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Mini Caseificio Costanzo

Nel 1990 una gelata distrusse l’intero raccolto di kiwi della famiglia Costanzo. Gennaro, capostipite e padre di cinque figli, davanti alla difficoltà, decide in accordo con la moglie e compagna di vita Lia, di iniziare una nuova attività. Affidandosi ad esperti nel settore nasce nel 1991 il...

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OL Jimmy Shoes srl

OL JIMMY shoes is a Made in Italy brand founded by Libero Orgiana. "O" stands for Orgiana "L" stands for Libero. Jimmy, it is a name that has always fascinated him since he was a boy. OL JIMMY shoes, the story of a Made in Italy brand told by its founder, Libero Orgiana. OL JIMMY shoes, the...

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Parmabio Società Agricola

Parmabio Parmigiano Reggiano is a product of organic farming produced on the hills of Medesano and the mountains of the upper Val Ceno (Parma), in a completely natural environmental context, in full compliance with the disciplinary of organic farming adopted along the entire production process...

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Santa Rita Bio Caseificio Sociale srl

Santa Rita Bio Caseificio Sociale, nato nel 1964, vanta quasi 60 anni di esperienza nella produzione di Parmigiano Reggiano prodotto in Montagna. La stretta collaborazione con le aziende agricole e con gli allevatori della zona ha permesso di creare già dal 1994 un’intera filiera produttiva...

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Sapori antichi S.R.L.

Sapori Antichi was born in 1991 near Venice. It is a unique company of its kind. For almost 30 years, it has been experimenting and using Italian raw materials to offer superior products both in terms of quality and nutritional values. Sapori Antichi has its farms and collaborates with external...

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Società Semplice Agricola Filiera Fusero

The goodness of our products comes from the love for nature: the authenticity and sustainability of the 0 meter supply chain comes from the respect of those who, as farmers, grew up and live with their hands in the land.

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Val Taro Formaggi Srl

We have been selecting and aging Parmigiano Reggiano for more than 50 years from the best dairies of Parma and Reggio Emilia, the small ones. These are based on one stable and produce incomparable Parmigiano Reggiano as regards steady flavor and big sizes.

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VG Production srl

Since 2018, VG Production srl has been synonymous with quality and innovation. For this reason, he decided to found a revolutionary and sustainable brand: Emoba! Our Brand was born from the idea of 2 entrepreneurs, Annamaria Guarino and Maria Sipontina Valente, who, with the support of a team of...

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Leather espadrilla

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Adriana Like a precious "Adriana" jewel, 13 types of Swarovski crystals draw a flawless and original motif that embodies artistic savoir-faireof the artistic director of the OL JIMMY shoes fashion...

OL Jimmy Shoes srl
Italia - Veneto
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ALEX Fussbett

The Fussbett Alex is made of genuine leather. The upper band is a hand-crocheted leather thread. Fluid model.

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Anelletti di mais e riso alla Siciliana 250 gr

Questo prodotto, realizzato con pasta di mais e riso, è stato studiato per i consumatori celiachi. Si tratta di un primo piatto realizzato nella linea produttiva senza glutine.

Italia - Sicilia
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Arancine ragù e mozzarella (2 pz x 220 gr) 440 gr

Arancine ragù e mozzarella (2 pz x 220 gr) 440 gr

Italia - Sicilia
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Arancini Parmigiana (4 pz x 100 gr) 400 gr

La parmigiana, mediterranea per eccellenza, non può assolutamente mancare nel nostro menu. Tra tutte le sue possibili rivisitazioni, la più originale è sicuramente quella che la vede come ripieno...

Italia - Sicilia
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Arancini prosciutto cotto e mozzarella (4 pz x 100 gr) 400 gr

L’arancino fa subito pensare a un connubio di carne, verdure, sugo, riso e pangrattato. Noi invece lo abbiamo declinato in una proposta davvero leggera e golosa, abbinando al riso pochi e...

Italia - Sicilia
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Arancini ragù e mozzarella (4 pz x 100 gr) 400 gr

Arancini ragù e mozzarella (4 pz x 100 gr) 400 gr

Italia - Sicilia
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ARIS BALLERINA / VP-0100-01-BVI2024M70

Exclusivity, extreme quality, precious materials, craftsmanship and timeless design describe the women's footwear of Via della Paglia.

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Baddhe Bio

Baddhe Bio is a certified organic pecorino cheese made using only fresh sheep’s milk from pastures of Sardinia’s hinterland. The milk comes from sheep that are free to graze, with the...

Caseificio Garau
Italia - Sardegna
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Bocconcini di Baccalà in Pastella 250 gr

La preparazione del baccalà necessita di un’attenta selezione delle parti migliori al fine di garantire la massima qualità. Con questa ricetta abbiamo pensato noi a tutti i passaggi più...

Italia - Sicilia
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Burro Costanzo

l Burro Costanzo è un formaggio fresco prodotto con siero di latte di bufala e siero di latte di vacca. Per la produzione del nostro burro ci avvaliamo di un processo artigianale di antica...

Mini Caseificio Costanzo
Italia - Campania
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Soft sheep's milk cheese with slow coagulation using rennet. It is produced throughout the year. It is characterized by a flowery rind and an intense white color inside. The aroma recalls the acidity...

Cooperativa ASCA
Italia - Abruzzo
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Caciocostanzo di Bufala Stagionato

Il cacio di bufala stagionato è un formaggio a pasta filata di solo latte di bufala, sale e caglio. È stagionato dagli 8 ai 10 mesi ed ha un sapore intenso e delicato. Lo si trova disponibile a...

Mini Caseificio Costanzo
Italia - Campania
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Caciocostanzo di mucca stagionato

Il caciocostanzo di mucca è un formaggio a pasta filata di latte di vacca, sale e caglio. È stagionato circa 30 giorni, ha un sapore dolce e una consistenza morbida. Lo si trova disponibile intero...

Mini Caseificio Costanzo
Italia - Campania
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Caciocostanzo di mucca stagionato affumicato

Il caciocostanzo di mucca è un formaggio a pasta filata di latte di vacca, sale e caglio. È stagionato circa 30 giorni, ha un sapore dolce e una consistenza morbida. Lo si trova disponibile intero...

Mini Caseificio Costanzo
Italia - Campania
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Caciottina di Bufala

Formaggio fresco a pasta tenera di latte di bufala farcito con nocciole, rucola e peperoncino

Mini Caseificio Costanzo
Italia - Campania
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Camilla Mule

The Mule Camilla is made of real leather. The upper in leather thread is handmade with crochet. Comfortable slipper. Fashionable luxury item

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Caponata di Melanzane 300 gr

Con questa ricetta potrete portare l’estate sulle vostre tavole ogni volta che vorrete. Realizzata con ingredienti altamente selezionati, preparati con metodi che ne preservano sapore, qualità e...

Italia - Sicilia
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Caponata di Melanzane e Pesce Spada 250 gr

Il sapore intenso e i colori vivaci degli ortaggi primaverili si uniscono alla delicatezza del pesce spada in un piatto che esprime tutta l’essenza della cucina del Sud. Una ricetta ricca e...

Italia - Sicilia
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Caponata di Melanzane e Tonno 300 gr

Per coloro che amano i sapori innovativi senza mai tralasciare le radici tradizionali, abbiamo pensato a una ricetta che combina i sapori del mare e della terra in un’unica delizia. La nostra...

Italia - Sicilia
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Carlotta The Carlotta pointe shoe is designed and manufactured by the artistic director of the OL Jimmy Shoes brand. Many variations are available in terms of fabric, colour and texture: velvet with...

OL Jimmy Shoes srl
Italia - Veneto
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Carlotta The Carlotta pointe shoe is designed and manufactured by the artistic director of the OL Jimmy Shoes brand. Many variations are available in terms of fabric, colour and texture: velvet with...

OL Jimmy Shoes srl
Italia - Veneto
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Formaggio a pasta filata di solo latte di mucca con un cuore di mozzarella di bufala Stagionatura minima 8 giorni. Disponibile in pezzatura da 600 gr (intero). Da conservare in frigo. Si conserva...

Mini Caseificio Costanzo
Italia - Campania
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