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Italian Trade AgencyItalian Trade Agency


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Azienda Agricola Il Pucino

The agricultural company Il Pucino was founded back in 1997 by Maurizio de Vonderweid, the current owner. Initially, it focused on the experimental cultivation of Aloe Arborescens along the windy coast of Trieste. However, due to adverse climatic conditions, the cultivation was moved to Valderice...

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Wine & Beverages
Caseificio Garau

Maestri casari da quattro generazioni, una lunga storia di formaggi sardi. Dal 1880 il Caseificio Antonio Garau, il più antico in attività in Sardegna, produce con dedizione e passione i formaggi sardi, ricercando da sempre il gusto e la qualità superiore. Una vera e propria missione quella per...

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Caseificio Paje

Our company is a little and artisanal dairy located in Italy and more exactly in Piemonte region, in the valley named Val Sangone, just a few kilometers from Turin. Surrounded by the beauty of nature, here we can express with our work the values we believe in and on which every action and thought...

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Caseificio Preziosa S.r.l

Caseificio Preziosa, known by the brand “Mozzarella di Seriate”, was founded on 12 September 1950 by its founder, Mr. Teodosio Preziosa, as an artisanal laboratory for the production of mozzarella and dairy products in general. Today, almost seventy years later, it is a modern food company that...

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Cen.tra.l. S.r.l.

High quality sheep and goat cheeses, the result of a long artisanal history and technologically advanced production. Tradition, research and innovation are the basis of Central's success, today among the leading companies in Italy in the dairy sector. Its sales range, distributed not only...

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Cooperativa ASCA

The Coop Asca offers many services, ranging from the educational farm, excursions with the flock, transhumance, own production of cheeses, refreshment point, agritourism to more agricultural activities such as breeding, pastoralism and cultivation of fodder for livestock.

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Ellebi sas di Bifulco Michele & C

Our secret since 1980 is to select each quality of Italian rice only in its own area and from the best rice fields that enhance and respect the product. We have adopted a respectful method of processing that begins with slow drying of paddy rice and ends with slow stone processing that does not...

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Gluten Free Foods s.r.l

Our story is one of love for good food, the land, and family. Our company was born from the passion and dedication in the field of milling and dehulling cereals that has always distinguished our family. In 2015, we founded the start-up Gluten Free Foods srl and the first pasta factory, combining...

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Spinosi srl

It was 1933, when Nello Spinosi, the first protagonist of the long history of homemade pasta in Campofilone, brought home as a gift the Maccheroncini prepared by his family on his business trips to Rome. At the time, there were no equipment, only expert hands and great craftsmanship could give...

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Val Taro Formaggi Srl

We have been selecting and aging Parmigiano Reggiano for more than 50 years from the best dairies of Parma and Reggio Emilia, the small ones. These are based on one stable and produce incomparable Parmigiano Reggiano as regards steady flavor and big sizes.

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Aglietto - Organic cow milk cheese with garlic

Cheese made with Piedmontese cow’s milk from a processing type presamic. The dough is elastic and pleasantly soft with a thin crust of intense color. During processing is added garlic that gives...

Caseificio Paje
Italia - Piemonte
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Baddhe Bio

Baddhe Bio is a certified organic pecorino cheese made using only fresh sheep’s milk from pastures of Sardinia’s hinterland. The milk comes from sheep that are free to graze, with the...

Caseificio Garau
Italia - Sardegna
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BioToma - Organic cow milk cheese

The basic cheese is a typical cheese of the Piedmont region, called Toma, obtained from cow’s milk with rennet coagulation. Its texture and flavor depend not only on the processing, but also on the...

Caseificio Paje
Italia - Piemonte
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Blu di Capra - Organic Blu veined cheese

The Blu di Capra is a cheese from the blue cheese family that, in our dairy, is exclusively produced with Piedmontese milk. The cheese is obtained from pre-salting coagulation of the milk, adding...

Caseificio Paje
Italia - Piemonte
Product detail
Blu di Mucca - Organic blu venied cow milk cheese

Blu di Mucca is a cheese from the herborine family that, in our dairy, is produced exclusively with Piedmontese milk. The cheese is obtained by coagulation of the milk, adding during the processing...

Caseificio Paje
Italia - Piemonte
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Bocconcino di capra biologico

Tipico formaggio piemontese a pasta gessata e superficie lievemente cremificata ricoperta da una sottile pelle dal colore giallo paglierino. Il sapore, lievemente acidulo verso il centro, diventa...

Caseificio Paje
Italia - Piemonte
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Panna Cotta Vanilla

Delicious panna cotta made with natural ingredients and no added preservatives: as homemade We use fresh milk, cane sugar, fresh cream and vanilla powder from Madagascar

Caseificio Paje
Italia - Piemonte
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Soft sheep's milk cheese with slow coagulation using rennet. It is produced throughout the year. It is characterized by a flowery rind and an intense white color inside. The aroma recalls the acidity...

Cooperativa ASCA
Italia - Abruzzo
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Caciotta alle Erbe - Organic cow milk cheese with Herbs

Cheese made from Piedmont cow’s milk from a type of cheese. The dough is elastic and pleasantly soft with a thin crust of intense color. During the processing, a mixture of herbs (rosemary,...

Caseificio Paje
Italia - Piemonte
Product detail
Organic Goat Caciotta

Cheese made with Piedmontese goat milk through pre-salting processing. The paste is elastic and pleasantly soft with a thin crust of intense color. The taste is light, delicate, but retains all the...

Caseificio Paje
Italia - Piemonte
Product detail
Caciotta di capra biologica con miele

Formaggio ottenuto con latte di capra piemontese da una lavorazione di tipo presamico. La pasta è elastica e piacevolmente morbida con una sottile crosta di colore intenso. Il sapore è leggero,...

Caseificio Paje
Italia - Piemonte
Product detail
Caprella - Organic goat milk cheese

Cheese obtained from rennet coagulation of Piedmontese goat’s milk. Its texture is really particular because with the progress of aging the dough that at the heart remains compact, almost crumbly,...

Caseificio Paje
Italia - Piemonte
Product detail
Organic Caprotto

Cheese obtained from pre-salting coagulation of Piedmontese goat milk. It has a soft, slightly eye formation texture that tends to become creamier over time. The careful aging process encourages the...

Caseificio Paje
Italia - Piemonte
Product detail

Raw milk goat cheese Goat's milk and consequently also goat's cheese, is little known by consumers, but is increasingly proposing itself as a valid alternative to cow's milk. It is more digestible,...

Cooperativa ASCA
Italia - Abruzzo
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Cravot (formaggio di capra biologico)

Formaggio ottenuto con latte di capra piemontese da una lavorazione di tipo presamico. La sua caratteristica è la pasta particolamente compatta, frutto di un particolare metodo di lavorazione, ma...

Caseificio Paje
Italia - Piemonte
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Cravot al Barbera (Formaggio di Capra)

Formaggio ottenuto con latte di capra piemontese da una lavorazione di tipo presamico. La sua caratteristica è la pasta particolamente compatta, frutto di un particolare metodo di lavorazione, ma...

Caseificio Paje
Italia - Piemonte
Product detail
Cravot al miele di castagno - Goat milk cheese with chestnut honey

Cheese made with Piedmontese goat milk through pre-salting processing. Its characteristic is the particularly compact paste, the result of a specific processing method, as well as a rather long aging...

Caseificio Paje
Italia - Piemonte
Product detail

Parmigiano Reggiano aged 24 months, packed in single 15 g/0,53 oz triangular portions. Each packaging contains 8 portions. Total net weight: 120 g/4.23 oz

Val Taro Formaggi Srl
Italia - Emilia-Romagna
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Red lentils Strozzapreti Zero+


Spinosi srl
Italia - Marche
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Legume Mix Fettuccine Zero+


Spinosi srl
Italia - Marche
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Extensive breeding preserves the traditions of transhumant breeding, providing for a period of mating that goes from June to November. Furthermore, in the remaining months, they are grazed on meadows...

Cooperativa ASCA
Italia - Abruzzo
Product detail
Fresco di Capra - Organic fresh goat milk cheese

Cheese obtained from lactic coagulation thank to a slow processing lasting between 24 and 40 hours. Subsequently drained in cloth and pressed to achieve the right firmness, it is shaped according to...

Caseificio Paje
Italia - Piemonte
Product detail
Fresco di Capra alle Erbe - Organic fresh goat milk cheese with herbs

Cheese obtained from lactic coagulation thank to a slow processing lasting between 24 and 40 hours. Subsequently drained in cloth and pressed to achieve the right firmness, it is shaped according to...

Caseificio Paje
Italia - Piemonte
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Granduca di Mandas

Granduca di Mandas is an excellent pecorino, to eat as table cheese or to be grated, made using fresh sheep’s milk from pastures of Sardinia’s countryside.The making process is similar to...

Caseificio Garau
Italia - Sardegna
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