Caseificio Paje
Organic certificationArticolo 35, Paragrafo 1, del Reg (UE) 2018/848 for organic productio and labelling
FDA registrationCERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION e U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Countries of export
Products of this brand
Aglietto - Organic cow milk cheese with garlic
Cheese made with Piedmontese cow’s milk from a processing type presamic. The dough is elastic and pleasantly soft with a thin crust of intense color. During processing is added garlic that gives...
Italia - Piemonte
BioToma - Organic cow milk cheese
The basic cheese is a typical cheese of the Piedmont region, called Toma, obtained from cow’s milk with rennet coagulation. Its texture and flavor depend not only on the processing, but also on the...
Italia - Piemonte
Blu di Capra - Organic Blu veined cheese
The Blu di Capra is a cheese from the blue cheese family that, in our dairy, is exclusively produced with Piedmontese milk. The cheese is obtained from pre-salting coagulation of the milk, adding...
Italia - Piemonte
Blu di Mucca - Organic blu venied cow milk cheese
Blu di Mucca is a cheese from the herborine family that, in our dairy, is produced exclusively with Piedmontese milk. The cheese is obtained by coagulation of the milk, adding during the processing...
Italia - Piemonte
Bocconcino di capra biologico
Tipico formaggio piemontese a pasta gessata e superficie lievemente cremificata ricoperta da una sottile pelle dal colore giallo paglierino. Il sapore, lievemente acidulo verso il centro, diventa...
Italia - Piemonte
Panna Cotta Vanilla
Delicious panna cotta made with natural ingredients and no added preservatives: as homemade We use fresh milk, cane sugar, fresh cream and vanilla powder from Madagascar
Italia - Piemonte
Tomino da Piastra- Organic cow milk cheese
Cheese obtained from rennet coagulation of Piedmontese cow’s milk. It has a rather soft elastic paste and during the maturing process develops a slight layer of penicillium candidum on the entire...
Italia - Piemonte
Panna Cotta Vanilla
Delicious panna cotta made with natural ingredients and no added preservatives: as homemade We use fresh milk, cane sugar, fresh cream and vanilla powder from Madagascar
Italia - Piemonte
Panna Cotta Vanilla
Delicious panna cotta made with natural ingredients and no added preservatives: as homemade We use fresh milk, cane sugar, fresh cream and vanilla powder from Madagascar
Italia - Piemonte
Panna Cotta Vanilla
Delicious panna cotta made with natural ingredients and no added preservatives: as homemade We use fresh milk, cane sugar, fresh cream and vanilla powder from Madagascar
Italia - Piemonte
Panna Cotta Vanilla
Delicious panna cotta made with natural ingredients and no added preservatives: as homemade We use fresh milk, cane sugar, fresh cream and vanilla powder from Madagascar
Italia - Piemonte
Tomino da Piastra- Organic cow milk cheese
Cheese obtained from rennet coagulation of Piedmontese cow’s milk. It has a rather soft elastic paste and during the maturing process develops a slight layer of penicillium candidum on the entire...
Italia - Piemonte
Caciotta alle Erbe - Organic cow milk cheese with Herbs
Cheese made from Piedmont cow’s milk from a type of cheese. The dough is elastic and pleasantly soft with a thin crust of intense color. During the processing, a mixture of herbs (rosemary,...
Italia - Piemonte
Caciotta alle Erbe - Organic cow milk cheese with Herbs
Cheese made from Piedmont cow’s milk from a type of cheese. The dough is elastic and pleasantly soft with a thin crust of intense color. During the processing, a mixture of herbs (rosemary,...
Italia - Piemonte
Organic Goat Caciotta
Cheese made with Piedmontese goat milk through pre-salting processing. The paste is elastic and pleasantly soft with a thin crust of intense color. The taste is light, delicate, but retains all the...
Italia - Piemonte
Caciotta di capra biologica con miele
Formaggio ottenuto con latte di capra piemontese da una lavorazione di tipo presamico. La pasta è elastica e piacevolmente morbida con una sottile crosta di colore intenso. Il sapore è leggero,...
Italia - Piemonte
Caprella - Organic goat milk cheese
Cheese obtained from rennet coagulation of Piedmontese goat’s milk. Its texture is really particular because with the progress of aging the dough that at the heart remains compact, almost crumbly,...
Italia - Piemonte
Organic Caprotto
Cheese obtained from pre-salting coagulation of Piedmontese goat milk. It has a soft, slightly eye formation texture that tends to become creamier over time. The careful aging process encourages the...
Italia - Piemonte
Cravot (formaggio di capra biologico)
Formaggio ottenuto con latte di capra piemontese da una lavorazione di tipo presamico. La sua caratteristica è la pasta particolamente compatta, frutto di un particolare metodo di lavorazione, ma...
Italia - Piemonte
Cravot al Barbera (Formaggio di Capra)
Formaggio ottenuto con latte di capra piemontese da una lavorazione di tipo presamico. La sua caratteristica è la pasta particolamente compatta, frutto di un particolare metodo di lavorazione, ma...
Italia - Piemonte
Cravot al miele di castagno - Goat milk cheese with chestnut honey
Cheese made with Piedmontese goat milk through pre-salting processing. Its characteristic is the particularly compact paste, the result of a specific processing method, as well as a rather long aging...
Italia - Piemonte
Fresco di Capra - Organic fresh goat milk cheese
Cheese obtained from lactic coagulation thank to a slow processing lasting between 24 and 40 hours. Subsequently drained in cloth and pressed to achieve the right firmness, it is shaped according to...
Italia - Piemonte
Fresco di Capra alle Erbe - Organic fresh goat milk cheese with herbs
Cheese obtained from lactic coagulation thank to a slow processing lasting between 24 and 40 hours. Subsequently drained in cloth and pressed to achieve the right firmness, it is shaped according to...
Italia - Piemonte
Fresco di mucca
Tipica ricotta ottenuta dal siero di lavorazioni precedenti e una piccola aggiunta di latte vaccino per conferirle una maggiore cremosità. Il prodotto è ottenuto, grazie ad un'attenta e studiata...
Italia - Piemonte