Linked to our territories since ancient times, already the King of cheeses during the Roman period, just evoking its name brings to mind images of white seas of flocks crossing the long green roads of the sheep tracks.
The richness of our cheeses derives 1) from the quality of the pasture, very rich in aromatic plants that characterize a unique biodiversity in Europe; 2) from raw milk processing. In fact, our milk is so hygienically perfect that it does not need pasteurization. Therefore worked at low temperatures (36/38° C) it preserves all the nutritional and organoleptic value of such a precious raw material. Time, patience, the right temperature, the right humidity and wood do the rest, enriching the maturing cheese with ever more convincing aromas and flavours. The optimal consumption of pecorino as a meal, due to the size of our wheels, varies from a minimum of 60 to a maximum of 120 days.
The canestrato itself can be enriched with aromas and flavors of typical local spices (saffron, truffles, fennel, savory, etc.) or more exotic ones such as organic Pecorino cheese with black pepper.
Linked to our territories since ancient times, already the King of cheeses during the Roman period, just evoking its name brings to mind images of white seas of flocks that cross the long green roads of sheep tracks to give us a river of milk enriched with the innumerable aromatic essences that the biodiversity of these pastures guarantee. The classic processing of the Abruzzese canestrato is here enriched by the addition of black peppercorns which, due to its antiseptic function, help preserve it and enhance its flavor and the composite aroma of fresh milk, herbs, pasture, hay up to a slight , pleasant hint of stable in the more seasoned cheeses.
Cooperativa ASCA