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Italian Trade AgencyItalian Trade Agency

Umbria Eat srl

This company, born from an innovative start-up, finds its roots in the ancient history of the world of catering and agri-food excellence, of a tenacious Umbrian family. A love for taste and challenges passed down from generation to generation until reaching the latest passion developed by the youngest of the house, Gessica, for chocolate and its many properties. The idea is the mission and it is to tell the story of Italian beauty, spreading sweetness and creating social value!

Elegance and culture of beauty: all our production is characterized by

essential, clean, soft lines and for this reason incredibly expressive.

Minimal and attention to detail are the watchwords that guide ours

stylistic choices. Packaging is a central part of our constant research

and expression of beauty.

Quality chocolate, in addition to gratifying the senses with its extraordinary and unmistakable aromatic bouquet, contributes to the well-being of the organism. This is due to the presence of antioxidant compounds called polyphenols (catechins and procyanidins) which protect biological structures from oxidative stress. And, no less, due to the presence of stimulating substances (theobromine) it helps to promote vitality and energy.

Our black packaging has a green soul: it is 100% recyclable in paper and plastic free. With our chocolate we support Cocoa Horizons, to protect the values ​​of the dignity of work and the person. For each bag of beans we reinvest part of the price in farmer training. In this way, cocoa farmers have the opportunity to improve their skills and living conditions.

The recipes were conceived according to the principles of "clean label", i.e. using the smallest possible number of ingredients, without the use of flavourings, colorings and preservatives. The "characterizing" ingredients of each praline are typical of Italian agri-food production and characterized by the best quality as a geographical origin.

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