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Italian Trade AgencyItalian Trade Agency

Styloffice SpA

Styloffice was founded in 1988 thanks to the passion, courage and far-seeing vision of Mr. Basilio Taraborrelli. Today the company is led by the owners, Dr. Raimondo Taraborrelli, President and General Manager, and Mr. Luciano Antonucci, Board Member and Commercial Manager. Their sacrifices, commitment with new managerial entries have enriched the company structure along the years, underlying the success of Styloffice, created to manufacture and supply office furniture and partition walls. Styloffice represents the growth and consolidation of an Italian company, a journey that began in 1988, made of discoveries and enthusiasm and that today continues with one goal: to create well-being in the workplaces; mainly from a standard production Styloffice turned to a more and more frequent custom-made production, in order to provide more solutions for the offices requirements, corresponding to the tastes, sizes, and needs of all customers. Styloffice develops projects and manufactures products for the contemporary office spaces, with a wide range of office furniture and partition walls, both standard and custom-made. The company operates worldwide with partners, resellers, dealers and consultants in the following regions: North America, Asia / Pacific, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Latin America. We are able to serve our customers potentially everywhere. Our offices and production plants are based in the industrial area of Miglianico, Abruzzo - Italy. We consider a good project a path of dialogue with customers, architects and workers needs. We listen to demands and translate ideas into products. We transform our standard production in bespoke products following the projects of architects and clients. We follow step by step the realizations by linking with all involved people.
ISO 9001/2005
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