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Italian Trade AgencyItalian Trade Agency

Prima Bio Soc. Coop arl

A few words about us – From 0 km to TRUE km! In the fertile lands of the Gargano, on the slopes of the hill where Rignano Garganico stands, an uncontaminated territory where nature and man come together in a winning partnership, Prima Bio Società Cooperativa was born. “Good things take time”: this is our motto. We sow, cultivate, harvest and transform all our products within the day, following the rhythms of nature and creating a production process that preserves the unique and unmistakable taste of our land. Always attentive to environmental sustainability, we have been adopting organic farming techniques for over 20 years to cultivate our fields; we use and produce energy from renewable sources thanks to the photovoltaic system built on the roofs of the primary transformation plant and the biomass plant built in Vivai Villanova, a partner company of Terrenzio Eligio. We believe in a real km 0 and we guarantee a real short supply chain! It all begins in our nurseries, located less than a km from the cannery, where we sow and grow the seedlings which will then be transplanted into our fields. The earth, the sun, our workers are our wealth, essential foundations for guaranteeing the genuineness of our products. In fact, the human being is at the center of our work. Our goal is to offer all our collaborators decent work: since 2018 we have joined the NO CAP project for the anticaporalate supply chain, designed to ensure the right value for all its phases and for all its players. Broccoli, asparagus and fresh vegetables in winter, moving on to tomatoes and preserves with the arrival of summer, each product follows its own seasonality. For this reason, our tomato purées, our sauces, our natural preserves and in extra virgin olive oil, rigorously from Puglia, preserve the aromas and flavors of the fresh product
ICEA organic certification
Certificazione Biologica ICEA
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