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Italian Trade AgencyItalian Trade Agency

Miele di Sulla

Sulla Honey Sulla (Hedysarum Coronarium) is a leguminous plant with beautiful red flowers. This nectariferous plant gives us one of the most appreciated and sought after honey. Sulla honey has a very delicate aroma and flavor, with a pleasant vegetal note. It is the honey of athletes, children and the elderly, since it is an excellent source of high quality fructose and numerous trace elements: zinc, magnesium, iron, manganese. Due to these characteristics, it is used before any sport activity for its organoleptic qualities and as a source of energy, which is released to the body slowly and steadily. Sulla honey is the one that can be enjoyed for breakfast, spread on a slice of wholemeal bread; this is a honey that offers emotions. In addition, Sulla honey is used to prepare numerous types of desserts, including nougat.
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Apicoltura Nazario Fania
Apicoltura Nazario Fania