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Italian Trade AgencyItalian Trade Agency

Miele di Millefiori

Wildflower Honey Wildflower honey produced by our bees is of the highest quality. We do “nomadism” around different territories and altitude ranging from 700 to 1500 meters in hight. This allows our bees to forage a remarkably variety of spring and summer blooms. Our honey is unique as it combines all the properties of many plants. It is also unique in terms of aroma and flavor thanks to the peculiar characteristics of the Molise hills and mountains. The nutritional elements contained in wildflower honey are greater than any other ones as they are rich in pollen from different sources. Wildflower honey contains many minerals and antioxidants. It is excellent for children and the elderly, as it increases and strenghtens physical energies. Our wildflower honey is the expression of our pristine territory, characterised by smells, aromas and flavors. Get excited with our wildflower honey, an excellent and unique honey. and cough. Sunflower honey is highly recommended as a natural sweetener.
Sample batch number
Apicoltura Nazario Fania
Apicoltura Nazario Fania