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Glamour luxury men’s suit Prince of Wales blue white and black 100% made in Italy

Glamorous luxury men’s suit/formal outfit fashion line that profiles your body with single-breast two buttons, high peak collar, made in Prince of Wales brocade 100% made in Italy. Wonderful in its total look.

Observe the beauty of this formal men’s suit from the Luxury collection signed by Cleofe Finati, which becomes magic on your body. 

Ancient male patterns such as the hound’s tooth, belonging to the Scotland of the 1800s that contain the figure of the stylized leaf, symbol par excellence of growth, fertility and renewal, to reveal a deeper and hidden soul reflected in the acanthus leaf, acanthòs also called thorny flower. Greek mythology tells of Apollo, God of the Sun, in love with the nymph Acanthus to the point of transforming her into a plant “loved by the sun”.

“Pied de feuille” reveals the figure of the nymph Acanthus, transformed into an acanthus leaf turned forever towards the sun. It symbolizes the metamorphosis that takes place through falling in love, the path towards the awareness of a new self that we do not yet know. It symbolizes the great and small gestures that we are ready to perform for love, surprising ourselves for what we are able to give and to offer ourselves: to love.

Fall in love with this single-breasted jacket with two buttons, spear-tipped lapel collar and flap pockets that accentuate your waist line.

Appreciate now the beauty of the inverted shoulder, the high armhole and the lean sleeve embellished by four buttons with open buttonholes on the wrists.

Your back is shaped by skilful sartorial cuts, underlined by two buttons on the waist line, which become elegant flaps and give emphasis to your walk.

Click here to see the product on our website.

Cleofe Finati by Archetipo
Cleofe Finati by Archetipo